Senin, 14 maret 2016 Universitas Wiraraja kedatangan tamu istimewa dari Eropa, dia adalah Karima Mouheb dari International Relations Office of Universite Catholique de Lille, Northern France. Bertempat di Graha Sumekar Universitas Wiraraja acara bertema "European Summer Program Socialization" yang dilaksanakan pada pukul 09.00 WIB disambut antusiasme mahasiswa Universitas Wiraraja dan mahasiswa dari beberapa Perguruan Tinggi yang ada di Madura.
Kedatangan Karima Mouheb merupakan tindak lanjut dari MOU yang ditandatangani oleh Rektor Universitas Wiraraja dan Rector of Universite Catholique de Lille tentang "Lecturer, Research, dan Community Services". Kedatangan Karima ke Universitas Wiraraja adalah untuk mensosialisasikan program rutin dari Lille University yaitu European Summer Program (ESP).
Rektor Universitas Wiraraja Hj. Alwiyah, SE., MM. dalam sambutannya mengatakan, "kedatangan Karima Mouheb ke Universitas Wiraraja merupakan suatu kebanggaan tersendiri, karena Universitas Wiraraja merupakan satu-satunya universitas di Jawa Timur yang dipilih oleh Karima setelah universitas-universitas di Jakarta untuk melakukan sosialisasi programnya".
Karima Mouheb dalam sosisalisasinya menyampaiankan, "Sejauh ini ESP diikuti oleh mahasiswa yang berasal dari 25 negara, program ini juga membuat mahasiswa lebih dekat atau mengenal Perancis (Eropa), dan khusus untuk mahasiswa wiraraja akan diberikan diskon sebesar 10% dari total biaya ESP".
On Monday, March 14th, Wiraraja University had a special guest from France. She was karima Mouheb, From International Relations Office of Universite Catholique de Lille, Northern France. She came here to socialize about European Summer Program, an annual program held by Universite Catholique de Lille, Northern France to Wiraraja Univesity students. Wiraraja University is one of few universities in Indonesia which got the invitation of that program. It also became a follow up of MOU signed by the Rector of Wiraraja Universty and Rector of Universite Catholique de Lille about "Lecturer, Research, and Community Services". The visiting of Karima Mouheb was enthusiastically welcome by the students of Wiraraja University and some other invited students from another univeristies in Madura.
Through her welcoming speech, the Rector of Wiraraja University said , "It becomes a pride for us of having this visiting because Wiraraja University is the only university in East Java which gets a chance to get the socialization directly by Miss Karima Mouheb. She also has socialized the ESP (European Summer Program) to some universities in Jogjakarta.
Tomorrow, she is going to continue her visiting to some universities in Jakarta. In her socialization, Karima said that The European Summer Program is a four-week training course for international students who want to discover France and Europe. It has taken place in June and July every year since 2001, in Lille, in the North of France and will celebrate its 15th anniversary in 2016. Until 2015, this program has been followed by students from 25 countries. She also said that as a partner university, the students of Wiraraja university students will get 10% discout of the program costs.