Asesmen Lapangan Akreditasi Program Studi Manajemen Universitas Wiraraja oleh LAMEMBA
Field Assessment for Accreditation of the Management Study Program at Universitas Wiraraja by LAMEMBA

Field Assessment for Accreditation of the Management Study Program at Wiraraja University by LAMEMBA

Sumenep, February 3-6, 2025 � The Faculty of Economics and Business at Wiraraja University (Unija) conducted a field assessment for the accreditation of the Management Study Program. This activity was carried out by the Independent Accreditation Institution for Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting (LAMEMBA) to evaluate the academic and managerial quality of the study program.

The assessment team from LAMEMBA included Dr. A. Ifayani Haanurat, M.M. from Muhammadiyah University of Makassar and Prof. Dr. Rahmawati, S.E., M.M. from Mulawarman University. Both have extensive experience in accreditation and higher education quality development.

The purpose of this field assessment is to ensure that the Management Study Program at Wiraraja University meets the established educational quality standards. During the assessment, the assessors verified documents, conducted interviews with faculty leaders, lecturers, students, and relevant stakeholders.

The Rector of Wiraraja University stated that this assessment is an essential step in improving academic quality and graduate competitiveness. "We hope that this assessment yields the best results and further strengthens the Management Study Program as an excellent and highly competitive program," he said.

With the vision of �Be Global Entrepreneur with National Character,� Wiraraja University remains committed to producing competent graduates with strong national character. The results of this assessment are expected to support the achievement of a higher accreditation rating and enhance the university�s reputation both nationally and internationally.